Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Country People

I recently read the story Good Country People and I found it very enjoyable. Good Country People is a story about a woman named Joy (she later changes her name to Hulga) and how she doesn't feel comfortable with herself. On the outside, she puts on a mask and does not let other peole see how she really feels. But on the inside, she feels insecure. To cover up her insecurity and low self esteem she acts like she is better than other people because of her education. She changes her name to Hulga because she feels like the name Joy does not fit her. She feels Joy is too happy and pretty of a name. She feels ugly because she has a wooden leg. "Hulga" does not really have faith in anything. Later on in the story, the reader find out that she did have kind of faith, her faith was in her wooden leg. It took someone to steal her wooden leg for her to finally depend on someone and be vulnerable. Her faith was in her wooden leg because it helped her get around, without it she was helpless. This story taught me that no matter how confident someone seems to be we all have some insecurities deep down inside. We think can do it all, but in reality we cannot.


  1. Girls especially apply to the putting on masks and really being insecure. Almost everyone has a lower self esteem than they should.This is why we need to put our faith in something that will always be around to pick us up when we fall down. Nobody can do anything by themselves, but together we can do everything.

  2. ha my sister is the other comment, anyway I have to agree with my sisters comment, you can do anything sometimes you just have to work harder, or you realize what you're trying to do isn't you, and it takes faith in yourself to accomplish something you think is impossible. People tend to degrade, and limit themselves to what they can do due to hardships in the past, but you can't look at the past you're living now, and shaping your future.
