Sunday, December 5, 2010

Will beauty save the world?

I believe beauty can save the world. If there was more beauty in the world I believe it would be a better place. By beauty I don't mean beauty in people but by beauty in our environment and surroundings. If the places where we lived looked better, we would be more proud of it and we would want to share that beauty with others. Beauty in our environment brings a sense of calm and serenity. It makes us appreciate what we have a lot more. It also make us more willing to give others the opportunity to have beauty. Beauty should be shared, never kept to oneself. Beauty is in the color of flowers, the ocean, the sky etc. Beauty is the way we are selfless and help others. Beauty comes within. The meaning of beauty is different to each person. Now I do not know if beauty will actually save the world. But maybe it can. It can bring people together or tear them apart.

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