Sunday, September 5, 2010

Story of an Hour

My favorite story that we have read this week was The Story of an Hour. I loved how it was kind of like Romeo and Juliet  in the end when Mrs. Mallard dies of shock by seeing her husband was still alive. She thought she was finally free, but once she saw her husband was still alive she was so confused/surprised. It's kind of like when you are given all this freedom, and  find out later that it was all temporary, and it  is taken away in an instant. Some women can relate to this story, because they may feel opressed by their husbands, fathers, or boyfriends. No one likes it when somebody they love dies, but if it was someone that did not treat them properly they are probably not going to feel as bad. Some people maythink the way Mrs. Mallard reacted when she got the news was inappropriate, but what would you have done if you were put in that situtation?

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